Book Your Event "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Company name (if applicable) Email* Phone*Event type* Wedding Corporate events Private rental – celebrations, showers, parties, etc. Group tour Group tour with dining Photo shoot Youth programs – Girl Scout programs & summer camps How did you hear about us?* Facebook Instagram Pinterest The Knot Metro Detroit Bride Here Comes the Guide Wedding Wire Previous Visit Word of Mouth OU Affiliate Internet Search Other Estimated number of guests*Questions or commentsPlease indicate your ideal event dates/time frame. Please provide any and all helpful information including if you have a specific date in mind, what year you are considering and if you prefer a specific day of the week.Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Private Rental InquiryWhat type of event are you looking to host?* Example: birthday party, shower, anniversary party, etc.What is your preferred event time?* Morning (before noon) Afternoon (noon to 5pm) Evening (5pm or later) Photography InquiryAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Name of photographer* First Last Photographer's business (if applicable) Photographer's phone number*Photographer's email address* Requested date for photography session MM slash DD slash YYYY Requested arrival time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Requested departure time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Select photography type* Engagement Bride and groom only Wedding party Family High school senior pictures Maternity Prom/homecoming Newborn Graduating OU student Other collegiate graduation Other How many people will be participating in your photo shoot (do not include photographers)?*Please specify how many and what type of vehicles you will be arriving in.* Will you be using any vehicles, including historic vehicles, in your photoshoot?* Yes No How did you hear about photography at Meadow Brook Hall?* MBH website Social media Word of mouth Photographer referral OU alumni Attended an event at MBH Other Drone use is strictly prohibited for a la carte photo and video shoots at Meadow Brook Hall. By checking this box, you are agreeing to not utilize a drone duing your session.* I understand and agree to not utilize drones during my requested photography or videography session at Meadow Brook Hall. Please note that failure to comply can result in your party being asked to end the session early with no refund.I acknowledge that by checking this box, all the information provided is accurate and understand that the information will be used by Meadow Brook Hall staff to assess site availability as well as generate my photo shoot booking.* Check here Youth Program InquiryAddress Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Name of troop of the name the group will be reserved under* Tour/Activity* Youth tea party Brownies: Making games Juniors: Playing in the past, secret spaces (April – June) Juniors: Secret spaces (April – June) Holiday walk (November – December) Estimated number of scouts*Estimated number of additional adults, siblings or guests.*Please note that due to the capacity of the scout room, tours allow for a maximum of 30 guests. Please limit adult attendance to Troop Leaders and 1 adult for every 10 scoutsDesired date of tour* MM slash DD slash YYYY Desired time of tour* 10 am 12 pm 2:30 pm CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ