Stoney Creek Questers Complete Two Restoration Projects at Meadow Brook

Meadow Brook Restored Chinese pottery

Meadow Brook Hall has almost 100 years worth of collected history, which features artifacts and artwork purchased across the globe by members of the Wilson family.

Without an endowment, Meadow Brook relies on the dedicated work of volunteers, donors, and staff to keep the place running – it takes almost $11,000 a day to operate. All that funding doesn’t include the cost of extensive restoration the home lovingly needs.

Answering the call to action, the Stoney Creek #203 Questers are a local volunteer group that has dedicated themselves to the preservation and restoration of The Hall since 2009. The Questers is an organization resolved to help preserve historic buildings, sites, and artifacts. Their mission statement reads: “Questers keep History alive by supporting preservation, restoration and education.”

As volunteers, the Questers are committed to restoring the beauty of Meadow Brook and improving the preservation of History for future generations. They have recently completed restoration of two significant artifacts in Meadow Brook’s collection – the Ballroom Chandelier Tassels and pieces of Historic Chinese Porcelain.

The Ballroom Chandelier Tassels

This past year, the Questers received a Michigan State Questors grant of $900 to replicate the four chandelier tassels that hang in Meadow Brook’s two-story Gothic-inspired Ballroom.

The original tassels, which were removed and stored more than 40 years ago, were used to create replications completed by a passementerie company, Samuel & Sons in New York City.

The chapter gave their time and support to polish Meadow Brook’s extensive silver collection guided by our Curator. Cleaning the collection with rags and Q-tips gave the volunteers time to see and touch the outstanding items, including a few horse trophies won by the family.

Historic Chinese Porcelain

A grant from the Quester’s International was awarded for the Questers to repair Chinese porcelain that had been broken and out of sight since the 1990’s after a shelf fell in the elegant Chinoiserie style Breakfast Room. These five pieces have been professionally restored and returned to their original home to assist in the interpretation of the home.

The local chapter of just 18 members have awarded Meadow Brook ten grants to pursue projects of restoration at the Hall, totaling around $13,000 from the Michigan State and Questers International groups.

From fixing damaged furniture to painting conservation to repairing historic dolls, the Questers have donated nearly 2,000 volunteer hours.

For more information about the Questers, click here.